<body> KAMY♥ <body>
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  • 18 on 3Sept 2009

  • FULL-TIME student of Temasek Polytechnic

  • snapping pictures is my hobby

  • friends label me CRAZY

  • but overall, i am friendly (:



only response to Firefox :)


- A -

- B -
bing hong

- C -

- D -

- E -
eugene a.k.a eughz

- F -

- H -

- J -
jacqueline ang
jason yek
jia jie
joanna goh

- K -

- M -

- P -

- R -

- S -
sook yen
seng guan

- V -
vinson phua

- W -
wei zhen

- Y -

yan ping
yee may


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December 2007 +
January 2008 +
February 2008 +
March 2008 +
April 2008 +
May 2008 +
June 2008 +
July 2008 +
August 2008 +
September 2008 +
October 2008 +
November 2008 +
December 2008 +
January 2009 +
February 2009 +
March 2009 +
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July 2009 +

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Host: Blogger
Image: Dodoy
Base: chique-lilie ©
Layout: Mei Ting

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

26 FEBRUARY 2008

it have been raining since yesterday night
and the weather is super cold.
mrs lau came after me asking for money
for the lunch together with the class.
i didn't want to join in but still have to pay. alright..

our chinese teacher told the class that on 14 or 19 march,
the whole day will be chinese lesson,
filled with mock exams and practice papers.
oh my god, THE WHOLE DAY??!!
put a knife into my heart please.
this is pure torturing..

how i wish O levels is soon over.

went to Plaza singapura with my mum
and bought myself a FBT shorts which was tagged $10.90
but while making payment, it was only $9.90

not bad huh? maybe i am getting a light blue or orange one soon.
after i manage to save up some money. heehee

9:42:00 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008


woke up at 9.30am, and watch DORAEMON on channel 8
parents went out for breakfast but i stayed home,
reason : not hungry

played the computer,
didn't bother to study biology at all even though
there is a Milestone Check (test in simplier term) tomorrow morning.
and did i mention that the late school start was a scam all along,
now every monday is back to the usual time.

parents came home and suggested going to serangoon central,

ate lunch at the hawker centre opposite 'chomp chomp'

then walked down to the place where i grow up..
many of the flats are undergoing upgrades (social studies)
after idling, went back home..
slacked and studied half of biology.

6 more stupid days to go

is it wrong to ask about your well beings?
tell me if you are uncomfortable with me
poking my nose into you personal matters,
and i will keep my hands off you.
i wouldn't bother you.
i promise and i keep my words

9:34:00 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

FRIDAY, 23 FEB 2008

so reluctant to climb out of bed today.
why am i always so tired?
blame it on school for giving us make-up lessons,
or is it myself for playing computer,
how about blaming my DUMB boy for calling me at 11pm
to chat till midnight or even later.

mrs lau wasn't here, so i soend my time sleeping away.
got 27/40 for biology test. still NOT GOOD ENOUGH

had chinese remedial after school,
wrote composition of up to 4 pages..
the previous was 3pages,
don't tell me the next one is 5pages.
i would have rather you kill me because
i can't imagine how many pages i have to write during Olevels

chemistry test was not like a test,
everyone asking the questions around and loudly
and the teacher just sat there.

went swimming with my DUMB boy in the late afternoon.
he looks like the professional swimmer which you see during the sports competition.
though he do not have '6packs' or Bcup breast,
he is simply to cute to resist. and i falling in love with him again.
didn't swim very long, cause it started to drizzle.

took bus 62 and encounter a crazy woman,
talked so loudly and made everyone stare at her.
JOSHUA got shocked also.
and yes, she was the same woman who sang on the bus and
i had to tolerate her during my 45-55 minutes bus ride.

went to the bus stop opposite and bus85 soon arrive.
the swim drained off all my energy and fall asleep at 7plus.

9:55:00 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008

after so long,
i finally found out the problem to this posting thing. =.=
alright, then i shall post about yesterday

went to JOSHUA'S house to celebrate chinese new year,
thought i was late when i reach yishun at 2.25pm
when the meeting time was at 2pm.
but when i reached the mrt control station,
all of his friends had reached except him.

when he came, his friends "beat" him up
and one squeezed his nipple. XDD
his breast swell from A cup to B cup already.
everyone, lets buy him bras. :D

his house is the most outstanding one in the area.
his dad looks so cute. *no offence*
and his mum is really pretty.

was rather sleepy so leaned on the handrail
while his friends played blackjack at the second storey.
he came and look for me, and teased me awhile.
but as he have to host his friends,
and cannot get too intimidate if not his parents might find out.
i understand it all darling. :))

i explored around his house
looking at pictures of him when he is young.
guess what i've found?

from the mug i found on his table,
ain't he adorable and loveable??

a little dude acting cool

these were taken before "LOH HEI"
at the second storey of his house

JOSH WITH HIS SEXY POSE. seductive?? hahas

kiddy joshua with all the toys.
sorry that the picture is blur, my hand is shaky.

the rest of the pictures are taken with his camera,
will post up when he send to me.

ate a little during BBQ because i don't really felt like eating.
went up to his room while his friends played xbox.
he sneak up beside me at intervals
but jump up whenever the door opens. hahas.

and i must say, his mum's culinary skills are superb!
the cheese cake with peach jelly on top was awesome.
but why isn't JOSHUA plump? hahas.

drank 3 cups of red wine
and i felt as though my world is spinning. hahas
but at least many people confirmed that i am walking straight.

when i reached yishun interchange,
i realised i missed the last bus85.
so i took a cab home.

had a great day today. :))

9:32:00 PM

Sunday, February 3, 2008

hope you still remember this picture. ^^V

DARLING! i know my mood swings made you upset.
i am really sorry that
i can't control my temper,
and it is my fault to vent them on you.

sorry for being so naive and not understanding,
it is all due to my wrong way of seeing things.
they are all so negative and almost hurt our relationship,

fortunately a saviour, YUQI, came to my rescue.
she made me think

i thought the days when i waited for you
to come back from korea just to confess to you,
the first time we meet,
the first time you hold my hand,
how disappointed you were when
you wanted to hug me but i rejected,
the first time you fetch me after school,
the times when i got angry and you
act like a little kid to extinguish my anger
the first time i waited for you outside your school
and heard you being so happy with your results
the first time you kiss me on my cheek.
gave me the chance to have a boyfriend
for ONE MONTH and counting
and make me feel SO LOVED

these thoughts made me so happy.
and i told myself,
i wanna have COUNTLESS happy moments with you.

i promise never to throw temper at you anymore.
and that i want to STICK WITH YOU.

you belongs to me.

7:37:00 PM

i wish to be left alone for the time being.
sorry for what i did,
very confused right now.
give me some time to adjust.
i know i had changed tremendously..

for now, i will not disturb you.


1:24:00 AM

Friday, February 1, 2008


school today was such a torture,
had 4 tests in a row.
chinese, maths, chemistry then chinese again~

the second test ends at 2.15pm,
and it is raining cats and dogs outside.

when we (jessica, him and me) are waiting for the bus,
junrong and his gang came.
and when josh and me board the bus,
they saw and started making noises. ><

went to dhoby ghaut and it is already 5.10pm?
walked down the streets to somerset mrt station
and he told me he had to leave. stupid right?

i was pissed, so turned and walked back to dhobby
leaving him alone.

you spoiled my day.
a day which was mend to be memorable.

11:48:00 PM